
【图片主题】设计类WordPress主题 – Luna



  • WordPress 3+ Ready

  • Fully Responsive Portfolio Theme

  • Valid XHTML Strict 1.0

  • Valid CSS Level 2.1

  • Tableless layout

  • 4 PSD Files included

  • Includes 50 background patterns

  • Tested and working in All major browsers

  • Uses CSS2 and CSS3

  • Full Documentation (HTML Type)

  • Unbranded Admin Theme Options

  • 3rd Level Threaded Comments

  • Custom Social Icons

  • Post Thumbnail Images

  • Custom Fields

  • Custom Functions

  • Style and Script Enqueue

  • Standard WP Codes

  • Language Localization Support (.po/.mo)

  • Meta Keywords and Descriptions for SEO

  • Page Control using (Right, Left and Fullwidth)

  • Newsletter using Google Feedburner

  • Child Theme Ready

  • Supports Self Hosted Video

  • Resizable Background images for different pages/posts

  • Plugin used: Typography Shortcodes

美菱阁精品源码分享中国好源码下载地址:设计类WordPress主题 – Luna


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